Titan Labs Glass Gleam-4 Window Cleaning Concentrate
Glass Gleam-4™ Window Cleaning Concentrate is ideal for cleaning windows with a squeegee. Use just 1/4 fl. Oz. per gallon of water. Glass Gleam-4™ contains polymeric water softeners for hard water areas. Improved degreasers and detergents provide window cleaning power you’ve never seen before. Shows blue color when diluted and is ideal for use in a bucket or for sprayers and bottle dispensers. Excellent for automotive use in the windshield washer tank.
Biodegradeable, USDA approved, and Earth Friendly Technology approved as a Green product. Designed specifically for cleaning glass and window films using a squeegee. And because Glass Gleam-4™ is super-concentrated, you don’t pay for shipping the water you can add on the job. This saves shipping cost, storage cost, packaging cost and greatly reduces crew re-stocking time. One gallon of GG-4 concentrate makes 512 gallons of window cleaning solution.